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Solid State Polymerization System

Solid State Polymerization (SSP)  is an important step, frequently used after melt-polymerization or extrusion for the purpose of enhancing the mechanical and rheological properties of polymers before injection blow molding or extruding. SSP is a process done at high temperatures and at zero oxygen level with nitrogen purging or at deep vacuum, to achieve a desired high molecular weight polyester of uniform and consistent intrinsic viscosity. Increasing the Intrinsic Viscosity (IV) through a solid state polymerization (SSP) process will generally result in a higher added value of the polyester.

Advantages of Solid State Polymerization

Enhanced Properties: SSP significantly improves the mechanical and thermal properties of polymers by increasing their molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity.

Low Energy Consumption: Compared to melt polymerization, SSP operates at lower temperatures, resulting in lower energy consumption and cost.

High Purity: The process conditions (vacuum or inert gas atmosphere) help to remove volatile by-products, resulting in high-purity polymers.

Minimal Degradation: Since the polymer does not melt, there is less risk of thermal degradation, preserving the polymer’s properties.